Troubleshooting your Everwarm Fireplace Remote. (SKY-4001TH)
***This guide is for model number SKY-4001TH. If you have an Everwarm remote that was purchased in 2021 or after, and the model number is 4001TH-A. Please click here to learn how to fix that remote. Click Here>>
First, change the batteries in the remote AND receiver box. (see pictures below for more help)
- Find your remote.
- The battery for the remote slides out the bottom of the remote.
- Use your thumb to push the triangle at the bottom away from your remote to reveal the battery.
- Replace the battery with a CR2032 battery.
- Find the receiver box. It should be in the back corner of your fireplace, it has 2 wires attached to the control valve of your fireplace.
- Turn the receiver box over to reveal an arrow.
- Slide the bottom of the box with your thumb to reveal the batteries.
- Replace the batteries with NEW AA batteries.
- Once the batteries are changed in both the remote and receiver box, make sure the receiver box is set to remote.
- Now hit ‘on’ with the remote and your main burner should light.
- If the fireplace turned on you’re all set! If it did not, continue below.
If your fireplace still won’t light, follow the steps below. (Check to see if remote works after every step.)
- If you changed the batteries in both your remote and receiver box and it still won’t light, try these next steps to troubleshoot.
- Make sure the pilot is lit. If pilot is not, click HERE for instructions on how to light your pilot.
- Make sure your control valve (knob that says off, on and pilot) is in the ON position and not in PILOT.
- Make sure remote receiver (black box in fireplace) is in the REMOTE position.
- Check to see if the settings on the back of your receiver box AND remote are set to the same frequencies.
- If the remote is still not turning the fireplace on, slide the receiver box to the on position.
- If the fireplace lit, but it won’t light in the remote position, the remote may need replaced.
- If the fireplace still did not light, check the connections from your receiver box to the control valve, make sure they are attached and not loose.
- If you tried all of these steps and the fire still did not light, you may need service.
- The intakes on the burner and pilot may have gotten clogged with dust, pet hair and pet dander and the unit is not getting enough clean air to work properly. Vent free units need serviced every 2-3 years.
If you still can’t figure out the remote, we can test the remote and receiver box in our showroom in Columbus, Ohio. We also do in house service calls if you live near central Ohio. In order for us to test your fireplace remote in our showroom, you would need to bring us the remote, receiver box, and the wires for us to be able to test it. The receiver box and 2 wires will unplug from your control valve.
*If you don’t live in Columbus, Ohio, you can purchase a new remote online here – New Everwarm Fireplace Remote
Updated: If you opened the sky4001th remote up by the screw, see below:
With the remote opened up, find the two silver prongs that may have fallen out. Those 2 silver prong looking things have 2 holes on the flat side. (Before you put them back, bend the prongs up a little bit so they have a better connection when they’re put back on). With the casing opened, one side will have 2 circles. The 2 silver items that fell out go on that. If you look closely at the two circles on the casing, there will be 2 dots sticking up, that is where you will set the 2 holes of the silver pieces. It fits right on to that. View the pictures below to find out exactly where they go. Then simply put the remote back together and don’t remove the screw again!
I bought these EW fire logs with remote from Fayetteville Public Utilities in Fayetteville, TN. on January 6, 2020. When I lit my pilot to use fire logs the remote would not work, I changed the battery it still didn’t work. I went to FPU office and they no longer sell fire logs. It seems to me there would be at least a year warranty on this remote. If this is right, I would appreciate you letting me know how to get it exchanged.
Thank you very much
Hi Chester! Did you make sure to change the batteries in the remote AND the receiver box? There are 2 places to change batteries. Also, does your fireplace ignite when you slide your receiver box to the ON position?
My remote will not function. I changed the batteries in the box and the remote. They are set to the same frequency. The remote screen is functional and reads on and off when the appropriate buttons are pushed. When I turn the remote box on, the logs operate normally. This set is a little over a year old. Any suggestions?
Is it possible you put bad batteries in the box? Sometimes batteries that have been sitting in a drawer for a while will go bad over time.
Another thing it may be is the two prongs on the inside of the remote may not be making a connection. They will need to be raised up. What you need to do is remove the screw on the back of the remote and open up the remote. You will see 2 silver prongs that are on the 2 circle dials. Bend them up a little bit so they will make a better connection. Then just close the remote back up. That should fix it. Let me know if it does not.
How do you change centigrade to Fahrenheit?
Hold the ON & OFF button at the same time and it will change.
how do I check the frequencies of the remote and receiver? Initially when I went to change the battery I turned the back of the remote and I’m guessing that’s the issue. How do I know what number and letter it should be on?
It does not matter what frequency it is set to as long as your remote AND receiver box is set to the same frequencies.
How to get a replacement remote model sky 4001th
Hi Nelson, you can purchase one here at a great price from a reputable dealer. https://www.ebay.com/itm/233892643310?hash=item36751681ee:g:YdIAAOSwdGtgJXAS
Unfortunately I found your clear directions after I tried to find the battery myself. I took apart the main casing and a small piece feel out, and now I don’t know where to put it:/ I did fined the battery finely but with arthritic hands, it was hard to open. Can you send a picture of the inside? The model shown here is just like mine (EW’s Sky4001TH).
Hi Karen! You’re not the only one that ends up doing that! Those 2 silver prong looking things have 2 holes on the flat side. (Before you put them back, bend the prongs up a little bit so they have a better connection when they’re put back on). With the casing opened, one side will have 2 circles. The 2 silver items that fell out go on that. If you look closely at the two circles on the casing, there will be 2 dots sticking up, that is where you will set the 2 holes of the silver pieces. It fits right on to that.
If you can’t figure it out you can send me your email and I will be able to send you a picture. Hope that helps!
Tony, you were spot on with the info on the clips. Should have never happened and it wouldn’t have, if I HAD read the instructions first !
Glad I could help!
Hi. I recently had Everwarm gas logs installed with this remote and I am excited that I can heat my entire North Carolina house with two sets of logs. The set downstairs works great. But my main floor set has on three occasions now failed to turn off when it reached the set temperature. The first two times I was in the room and just turned it off and then reset the temp. But although it was working fine when I went to bed, I woke up this morning and it was 88 degrees !! Any suggestions?
Hi Pam! Do you have the same remote on both fireplaces? If you do, first make sure that the frequencies are set differently on both of the remotes. The back of the remote and receiver box has to be set to the same frequency to operate, but make sure the downstairs remote and receiver box are set to different frequencies than the upstairs remote and receiver box. Out of the box, they all are set to the same frequencies so if you try and turn on the upstairs fireplace it might turn on the downstairs one at the same time if they are set to the same frequency! This is what might have caused the upstairs fireplace to turn on in the middle of the night!
If that doesn’t work, just make sure it is set to the right setting. If you are just using it as ON/OFF, hitting ON and OFF will turn it ON and OFF when you want to use it. If you want to use it as a thermostat, where it automatically turns ON & OFF when it reaches a certain temperature, you have to hold set until you reach the desired temperature, and then you let go. You don’t want to touch anything else after you do that. If it is then set to thermostat mode, it will read Thermo at the bottom of your remote when in this mode.
The reason you woke up to 88 degrees in the morning, it may have accidentally been set to 90 on the thermostat! But either way, if you don’t want the thermostat mode on, all you have to do is click OFF and it won’t turn ON until you hit ON again. Let me know if that helped!
I replaced batteries in both the box and the remote. The remote is on and working but the fireplace does not light. I checked the wires, The frequency on both, and made sure the box was switched to remote. Still nothing. Any suggestions?
Does your fireplace light when you slide the receiver box to ON?
I dropped the remote. Could hear something loose it it. I removed the back screw and battery. Two metal prices fell out. Flat on one side then has a 45 degree angle with double prongs. I can’t figure out how to put back together. Any suggestions?
Hi Stephen. Those 2 silver prong looking things have 2 holes on the flat side. (Before you put them back, bend the prongs up a little bit so they have a better connection when they’re put back on). With the casing opened, one side will have 2 circles. The 2 silver items that fell out go on that. If you look closely at the two circles on the casing, there will be 2 dots sticking up, that is where you will set the 2 holes of the silver pieces. It fits right on to that.
If you can’t figure it out you can send me your email and I will be able to send you a picture. Hope that helps!
What is the set button used for?
The “Set” button allows you to control the thermostat for your gas logs. If you want the logs to automatically turn on or off when the room reaches a certain temperature, this button allows that. Since your remote acts as the thermostat, the temperature reading will be based on where the remote is located in the room.
To activate thermostat mode, simply hold down the “Set” button until the display shows your desired room temperature, then release it. The fireplace will turn on and heat the room until the temperature around the remote matches your setting, at which point it will automatically shut off.
Sky-4001th remote quit after 3 months. Changed batteries in transmitter and receiver. Batteries in correct polarity.
Logs work in manual mode. No display on transmitter. Any ideas?
Hi Jimmy. The only thing I can think of if it was a fresh battery you changed it out with, is the little connection that touches the battery is not touching it. Try and raise it up. What you will need to do is slide the battery out, then look inside the remote, and on the bottom where the remote sits, is a little silver prong. Try and stick a very small screwdriver underneath it and raise it a little bit so it can touch the battery and connect with it easier. Let me know if that helps!
How do you use the “Set” button on the EW remote? When I click it, the temperature only goes up.. is there a way to go back down? Also what does this button actually control?
Hi Jenny! The SET button is how you set the thermostat. You have to hold it down for it to cycle to the temperature you want it set at. If you want to go to a lower temperature you have to hold SET until it goes up to 99 and then it will cycle back down to 45 and go back up from there.
If you want to set it to thermostat mode, which will kick your fireplace ON and OFF once it reaches the set temperature, you hold SET until you reach the desired temperature, then let go of SET. Your remote will not be set in thermostat mode. So wherever you set the remote, as soon as it gets below your set temperature the fireplace will turn on until it reaches your set temperature, and then it will shut the fireplace off. It will stay in this mode until you hit OFF on your remote. Hope that helped!
I had the 4001 system installed in the spring of 2020, and it work great. When I started using it again the next winter, the remote would not control the receiver. When I manually set the receiver to ON the logs light, but no matter what I do with the remote it does not turn the logs off.
I have replaced the batteries in both the remote and the receiver to no avail. I have also verified the remote and receiver are still set to the same frequencies.
Any suggestions of what to try from here?
Make sure the receiver box is set to remote. The receiver box runs on millivolt so it should always operate when you turn it to ON even if there are no batteries in it. But in order for the remote to operate, it has to have fresh batteries in the receiver box and remote and the receiver box has to be set to remote.
If it still doesn’t work, did you happen to open the remote by removing the screw? If you did follow the instructions below to help solve the problem.
If you opened the remote by removing the screw, make sure to put the 2 silver pieces back in the correct spot. Those 2 silver prong-looking things have 2 holes on the flat side. (Before you put them back, bend the prongs up a little bit so they have a better connection when they’re put back on). With the casing opened, one side will have 2 grey circles. The 2 silver items that fell out go on that. If you look closely at the two circles on the casing, there will be 2 dots sticking up, that is where you will set the 2 holes of the silver pieces. It fits right on to that. Then just close the remote back up. That should fix it. Let me know if it does not.
My remote is set on Celsius. How do I change it back to Fahrenheit?
Hold down the ON & OFF button at the same time. That should change it back.
I have replace all batteries. Pilot lite is on. Logs ignite with on button on box but will not with remote. Frequency Codes are matching. Remote indicate temperature . Just will not communicate with box when box is set for remote. Remote was opened and silver pronged disks needed to be repositioned per the instructions viewed on this site. Opened prong arms as suggested for better contact. Laid square flat side down positioning over larger central hole and two top small holes. It doesn’t work with mains box set on remote What do I do now
It sounds like you have done everything correct as long as you replaced both the remote and receiver batteries with new ones. Are you getting a display on your remote? If not, the only other thing I can think of is to remove the battery out of the remote, then look inside of the remote and you will see a silver prong. With a little small screwdriver try and bend that up to get a better connection with the battery. That will help if you are not getting a display on your remote. Let me know if that works!
I’ve done everything so far with all the directions you have given. I get the display when I put in the battery but it will not turn on/off the remote. Code is set right, replaced both batteries, pushed up prongs. Ive only had this remote and fire place for a yr.
When you slide the receiver box to ON, does it turn on the fireplace?
We have done EVERY suggestion, changing batteries in box and remote. Opened the remote and lifted up the little prongs, lifted up the silver thing the remote battery sits on, the pilot light is, logs turn in when box switch is moved to on position. Screen on remote is working and the kids still won’t come on using the remote. HELP
Hi Kathy, if you have done all of the steps in the article and it is still not working, you may be needing a new remote. They can be purchased here – https://www.ebay.com/itm/233892643310
Good morning Tony, I at my wits end. Got a EW4001 remote system. Have done everything, from cleaning the unit completely to opening the remote. The stove will lit and run when turned on manually. The remote will change when buttons are pressed. All connections are sound. What is the average life span on one of these remote systems? I know they are the lower end system. We have had it a little over three years. Thanks for your attention to this matter!
Hi Larry. What is the exact issue you are having? Is the receiver box corroded at all?
We have the 4001TH model. Does changing the codes on the remote make a difference, as in affect when the blower turns on or brightness of fire etc? I understand the two codes must match on both remote and receiver. Our remote is set at L 1, what does that mean besides just being the frequency that was selected? Would it make a difference by switching the letters and/or numbers around at all?
Is there any way to change the blower time turning on or the brightness of the fire?
Hi Matt! Changing the codes does not make a difference. They just have to match on the receiver box and the remote. If you are using the sky4001th remote, it is only On or OFF or operates as a thermostat which will turn the fireplace ON and OFF when it reaches the set temperature. This remote does not affect the blower and is also not variable so you would not be able to adjust the flame with the remote.
It sounds like your blower is thermally activated, so it only turns on when it reaches a certain temperature. That is the only way it will operate.
If I loose electricity, will my Everwarm Fireplace still operate? Thanks!
Yes it will! The remote operates the fireplace via a millivolt system, so no power is run to it which means it continues to operate when the power goes out.
Thanks for all the helpful info above, Tony! I too made the mistake of taking out the screw when I found the triangle would not slide to replace the battery. Thing is, only one little prongy thing fell out, not two. I replaced it in one of the 2 locations, taking a chance it was the right one. Get temp reading on the remote, but with new batteries in both remote and receiver, still cannot turn logs on or off with the remote. Logs do come on if receiver is set to “on”. Any advice? Thanks in advance!
You need to find the other one! I would look around and see if you can find it, it may have gone under a table or something. But there should definitely be two of those, it won’t operate correctly without them. Hope you find it!
I want to know how you change your remote from Celsius to Fahrenheit
You have to hold the on and off buttons at the same time.
I had the 4001 system installed in the spring of 2021, and it worked great. When I started using it again now in the fall, the remote would not control the receiver. I manually set the receiver to ON and the logs light, but no matter what I do with the remote it does not turn the logs on or off.
I have replaced the batteries in both the remote and the receiver. I have also verified the remote and receiver are still set to the same frequencies. The remote display works but it will just not turn the logs on or off.
Any suggestions of what to try from here? Do I need a new remote? Seems a bit disappointing not to be even a year old, I need the remote. Please let me know what I can do.
Hi Tracy,
I would first make sure to use brand-new batteries. Sometimes batteries, especially AA batteries, go bad if they have been sitting unused for a while. We prefer Energizer Max batteries.
If it still doesn’t work, did you happen to open the remote by removing the screw? If you did follow the instructions below to help solve the problem.
If you opened the remote by removing the screw, make sure to put the 2 silver pieces back in the correct spot. Those 2 silver prong-looking things have 2 holes on the flat side. (Before you put them back, bend the prongs up a little bit so they have a better connection when they’re put back on). With the casing opened, one side will have 2 grey circles. The 2 silver items that fell out go on that. If you look closely at the two circles on the casing, there will be 2 dots sticking up, that is where you will set the 2 holes of the silver pieces. It fits right on to that. Then just close the remote back up. That should fix it. Let me know if it does not.
Hey there, I have had mine for 3 years and this year I cannnot get the remote to control anything. The logs flame on manually but the remote will not light them with the on or on the thermo mode. I have changed both sets of batteries and tried to relearn the remote, but nothing helps. The red light on the receiver box only blinks for a second when I switch it on or to remote then stops blinking. Any ideas?
If you changed both the batteries out with NEW batteries and it is still not working, the only other thing you can check is the prongs on the inside of the remote. They may not be touching the connections anymore.
To do this, take off the screw on the back and open up the remote. Find the two silver prongs that may have fallen out. Those 2 silver prong looking things have 2 holes on the flat side. (Before you put them back, bend the prongs up a little bit so they have a better connection when they’re put back on). With the casing opened, one side will have 2 circles. The 2 silver items that fell out go on that. If you look closely at the two circles on the casing, there will be 2 dots sticking up, that is where you will set the 2 holes of the silver pieces. It fits right on to that. View the pictures below to find out exactly where they go. Then simply put the remote back together, hopefully bending up those pieces will fix your issue.
If it still did not fix your issue you may be ready for a new remote. You can by the latest version here – https://www.ebay.com/itm/233892643310
My remote display is not working, so I followed your instructions to a T. I tried 3 different batteries in the remote, then opened it up, raised the prongs up, set them back perfectly, display still doesn’t come on. I’d already changed batteries in the receiver, manually tested the logs, they light fine. Guess I need to take it by the place I purchased the logs and remote. I guess the remote just needs to be replaced at this point. But, thanks to your perfect instructions I did all the troubleshooting necessary to reach my conclusion. Thank you!
It sounds like you did everything correctly, but every once in a while a remote will just go bad. Luckily they carry a 5-year warranty so the place you bought it from should be able to help you out with a replacement!
Hi, I’ve replaced the batteries. The control box is set to remote. When the box is set to on, the fireplace lights. But when I set it to remote, the remote does not control the fireplace.
My box and remote do not have frequency settings. There is a light on the box that blinks. There is another light on the box that says “Learn”. I assume that there is some sort of “pairing” that needs to happen between the box and the remote. How do I do this? I can’t find anything on the internet that tells me how to do this.
Thanks, Dan
Hi Dan, you have the new remote. All you have to do is hit the learn button and then click ON on your remote until the fireplace turns on. Let me know if that doesn’t work.
I had forgotten how to switch from Celsius over to Fahrenheit and was wondering if you could let me know how to do that. Thanks!
Hi Ed, all you have to do is hold the on and off buttons at the same time.
I am having an issue with getting the remote to work. The turns the fireplace on and off, but no luck with the remote. It worked just a few days ago and I’ve tried new batteries and everything. Any suggestions?
If the receiver is turning the fireplace on manually but the remote is not, first check to make sure the receiver box is in the remote position. Then make sure you put brand new batteries in the receiver box AND the remote. If that still does not work, make sure the settings on your remote and receiver box are set to the same frequencies. That should fix it. Let me know if it does not.
Awesome article! Problem solved!
Glad we could help!
My 3 year old fireplace with EW remote, SKY-4001th is starting my remote without anyone touching it. Remote is laying on the mantle and fireplace comes on. I tested it by removing the battery for a few days and it did not come on. Put batteries back in remote and the next morning fireplace was on. Any assistance.
You might have it set to Thermostat mode. If it is in Thermostat mode it will start your fireplace until it reaches the temperature you set it to and then it will shut it off. To turn it off this mode, just click OFF.
I have followed all your suggestions, my problem is that the button to open for battery replacement is so hard, I think I’ve broken my finger. I also opened from the back, replaced the two pieces that fell out but now if I put the battery in the holder it won’t work but if I push the battery in without the holder everything works?? Why is the battery not making a connection when in the plastic holder?
With the battery holder out, look inside the remote. You will see a little prong on the bottom. You need to stick a small screwdriver in there and lift the prong up. It is probably not reaching the connection to the battery holder. Let me know if that helps.
Hey Tony, Tony here. I can get the pilot lit, and remote to turn it on and off, but it only stays on for about 20mins max, then I can hear a click, it shuts off completely, pilot light and all. Suggestions?
Hi Tony! It most likely needs service. Vent-free needs serviced every 2-3 years. The intakes on the burner and pilot get clogged with dust, pet hair and pet
dander and the unit is not getting enough clean air to work properly. It shuts off as a safety precaution. The pilot assembly needs to be cleaned out with high compressed air. No parts will need to be replaced, just a cleaning with an air compressor will fix the issue.
My SKY-4001TH remote worked fine the first two years, but this year (the third year) the thermometer reading is three, and sometimes four, degrees higher than any other thermometer in the house. The remote works fine with “On”, “Off” and “Set”. The display just reads a different temperature than my other thermometers. I”m having trouble programming the “Set” for overnight use. Can the temperature sensor be re-calibrated to show the correct temp?
I am not sure about that. I would reach out to the company you purchased the remote from. They have a 5-year warranty, this may be covered under warranty.
Flames will start using the receiver box. When using remote, you can hear the gas but have a blow or fan it for flames to start.
This sounds like you may be in need of service. Vent-free fireplaces require service about every 1-3 years. The oxygen sensor on the pilot assembly gets clogged up with dust and needs to be cleaned out. Eventually, the fireplace will stop working entirely until it is cleaned.
My remote changed from Fahrenheit to Celsius. How do I change it back?
Hold the On & Off button at the same time.
Everything seems to work on my fireplace so I don’t understand why
the little red warning light on the remote receiver keeps blinking.
Can you help me or explain why this is happening?
It’s just letting you know the batteries are dying. They will need to be replaced soon.
After replacing the battery on the receiver and remove control.
And put the receiver on position. Do we need to put the received back in a remote position? If fireplace starts.
In order to use the remote, the receiver box has to be in the remote position.
Is it possible to order/purchase parts for the 4001th remote — I am missing the two metal “prongs” that correlate to the frequency set.
Not that I am aware of. If you are local to Columbus, Ohio you can visit us at our shop and we might be able to find you some. But I am not aware of anyone online that sells them.
I bought a house that had the remote already installed and was trying to get the remote going. I changed the batteries and it still wouldn’t work. I noticed the back looked as if it had been opened so I opened it to check the prongs you mentioned and one of them is totally missing. Can you order just that part? I looked for parts online and can’t find anywhere that they can be ordered
No, they unfortunately can’t be ordered. If you live near Columbus, Ohio we have extra at our shop that you can pick up. You can still turn it on manually with the receiver box though. If you need to order a whole remote you can do so here. https://www.ebay.com/itm/233892643310
Hello! My pilot light went out. I lit the pilot light and the fireplace is working, but the remote is not controlling the fireplace now. The fireplace will turn on/off from the button on the ventless fireplace unit but will not respond to the remote. I changed the batteries in both the remote and the receiver box, but the fireplace is still not responding to the remote. The fireplace will turn on if the button on the unit is in the “remote” position or the “on” position – it seems to be ignoring the remote completely and I’m not sure why. Any thoughts?